The growing importance of Internet in business becomes advisable to register the mark or the name of your company in the network.
It is necessary to perform a search to determine if the domain is available. You can register domains with. COM.AR which must be renewed annually, and it is advisable to make a record of the extension. COM (global) which has an annual or multi-year duration as desired when registering.
In this way you will have available an internet address for e-mail or the website of your company or your digital enterprise.
It is very important to emphasize the need to reserve domain names that you consider necessary in the future or are related to your business (although not think to use them yet), because a domain name registered “today” has a very small cost but if tomorrow is already registered by another person or company, may represent a serious loss of value.
Today there is a huge market for buying and selling domains, especially driven by individuals or companies that are responsible for registering the names related to “their” business or your brand, and then market it to an infinitely greater value, this is known as “domain hijacking”.
ETERRA offers service domain registration and renewal .COM.AR, .COM, .ORG, .NET, .U.S.